Welcome to Music

The Music A-level course allows you to explore all aspects of music, especially those which have been influential in its history.

Students will be required to perform on at least one instrument, create a portfolio of performance work, and demonstrate their performance capabilities.

Listening is also a key element of the course, providing students with the skill to identify key features of works. Creative exploration is vital – as students will complete a composing unit, enabling students to develop ideas and create their own curated piece from different stimuli.

If you’re looking for a music-based career, then this is the ideal course for you. It will empower you with knowledge and understanding, and act as a stepping stone to a life in the world of music.


The Music A-level is comprised of three components.

  • Component 1: Appraising Music
    This component is an examination with listening questions and written questions using excerpts of music. This component is worth 40% of the course certification.
  • Component 2: Performance
    This component is a solo and/or ensemble performance as an instrumentalist, or vocalist, and/or music production. This component is worth 30% of the course certification.
  • Component 3: Composition
    This component is split into two compositions. Composition 1 is a composition to a brief or free composition. Composition 2 covers composition techniques. This component is worth 30% of the course certification.

Career & Progression Opportunities

The Music A-level is ideal preparation for a university degree, including all music courses, performer, or composer, arts administration, computer camges industry, event management, instrument manufacturing, journalism, military bandsman (i.e. Her Majesty’s Royal Marines Band Service), musical therapist, publishing and editing, recording and audio engineer, teaching, as well as the TV or radio industry.

Entry Requirements

If you would like to study Music, then the ability to perform or play an instrument to at least Grade 5 standard is essential. A Grade 5 (or better) in theory is desirable. If you haven’t yet achieved this, then you should aim to do so before starting this course.

If you’d like to, you can download this information as a PDF file. Download the Music course information sheet (opens in a new tab) →